Thursday, December 13, 2012
Technology is getting crazy & Mankind is turning greedy
Friday, September 28, 2012
Pride of Joy
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Being Housewife is not that bad, it's a luxury indeed
Friday, August 31, 2012
Outlook upon upcoming webmail service
- Central tool for Web communication: All in one place ie, email + chat + read, write share/store documents
- Messages aligned in one page easy to scroll through the prior communications
- Central inbox for various email accounts: Can configure more than one email accounts(which are POP enabled-You can add up to four POP3 accounts to your outlook account) to be viewed at one place.
- the sync of other email ie the refresh happens every 30 minutes , and in this fasting moving world,if any email is going be to be delivered to your inbox with a delay of 30 mins rather than instant diwnload to your inbox, it might be crucial for any business needs/matters
- And as far as I have used refreshes only when you are logged in else not
- In case you have a offline outlook client on your desktop or laptop and if you have configured personal email accounts , then the sync is not consistent, ie for me my mails started getting downloaded onto the outlook that was on the web and the sync at my desktop outlook became inconsistent although it was connecting well with the email server. I am not sure if outlook could support multiple client configurations for a single account
- Another featured that fancied me a lot - Facebook integration ie
- once you import the contacts to outlook from Facebook, you could receive their updates just on the side bar when you receive a email from your buddy, while you are reading the email, on the side bar you could just view what's his status update.
- However with the Chat feature (need to click on the smiley at the top) I see a Cons: You do have option to chat with FB friends from within outlook in your free time, but you need a explicit click within the message box to see who all are available (this is good to keep away distractions for people like me, however for some it might be really nice to see the list of available members on the go and get started with a chat with a rare friend who is noticed online)
- Next, gone are the days when you really had to ask and maintain a list of contacts - Contacts integrations is awesome as well ie When u move to people tab, you could write on their wall or write personalized email message and so on just on a click at the respective contact infos.
- Not very special or great thought another feature you have is the Automatic reminder mails about the friend's birthday maintained in the calendar or FB accounts, you do need any special app for maintaining any birthday calendar…if the info is maintained in social networking profiles, then you get reminded about the same directly at your inbox.
- Yet another feature that grabbed my attention: Quick view option is really good, you could easily search for docs + photos, ie mails are categorized and organized at one location based on the documents+ photos they carry with them, eases your search…ie the effort to search for any specific doc is really less and no worries if you forgot the doc name, we could simply browse them under quick view docs/pics category
- Central searches across mail folders: Sometimes I forget or get confused to which email account was a particular matter mailed to me, not to worry anymore if you have your email accounts integrated centrally with outlook then just type in for search once and all your emails in various outlook email accounts would searched and fetched quickly
- Calendar is great: holidays + birthdays easily visible marked in various colours, with cake icons for birthdays and weather information on the live days
- Firstly thanks to my brother for the account (readers feel free to share with me their experience and any fixed features/solutions to problems here I am not aware of)
- My husband for facilitating me with such a working/learning environment at home
- Div sir for suggesting me to add some tech posts to my blog
- Hats off to the developers behind the development of

Skype needs to be integrated yet, however others like twitter, linkedin are already available. There are many more valuable feature like storage on the web Skydrive, where you could store, edit and share some docs on the go..I am yet to explore them and should be able to add in more details here when I use them.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
A Belief - Experiencing Godly Blissful Birthday
Friday, June 15, 2012
This is how you cook horribly
When I learnt cooking during the initial stages itself crazy lazy mind learnt that if the basic ingredients are added in right proportion and the vegetable in cooked in simple basic way there is nothing that it's taste could be spoilt......still how were these hostel cooks spoiling the taste of such tasty vegetables :( ..bad days....
however later i thought might be mass cooking in the hostel mess could be one of the culprit...and the thoughts or the investigation behind bad cooking just stopped there.....and crazy lazy mind somehow lived over bad food :(:(....
But now after getting into full time cooking, over a quarter, finally the crazy lazy mind discovered the mystery behind cooking horribly and spoiling out the taste of any good tasty vegetable.....
As is the case always and in any case "Experience" could be the best teacher, experience let crazy lazy mind as well turn down the mystery behind bad cooking....
3 months after wedding crazy lazy mind heard her parents are going to visit...what gush of joy rushed...uff....count down started...The day came and my parents much happiness...i had cooked my dad's sis and mom's favourite dishes for dinner....since then fast did the time many trips did we many places did we much fun and so on.......alas the day for the return journey as well came I went with my husband to drop them at the airport....and soon returned as well...
back at home same routine follows...but memories don't stop flowing in front of you...yes i had send my husband to office and pack lunch box.....although my husband was kind I did not wanted him to eat at the canteen and therefore proceeded to the kitchen to cook.....I should have thought well before cooking if I would be able to cook good food with a weak sober mind...
had picked up good vegetable and started with basic ingredients to cook a simple dish.....but whereever i turned all i could see and feel is about my days at home with mom and sis....since mom had taken over the cooking crazy lazy mind had almost forgotten how to cook :(....
nothing stopped...mind went with its thoughts..however my hands started pouring the needed ingredients and cooking in simple form...15-20 mins past it was almost time for my husband to leave to office and luckily the veggie had got cooked but taste ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....what happened the crazy lazy mind was in awe....
Was the vegetable bad not....what did i do??????normally i used to cook this dish well what happened now....oops it turned out so spicyyyyyyyyy..what to add....ok let me add some sugar to bring down the spice......add some water as well to make it light :( bad...the vegetable got over cooked....what did the simple dish turn out into...a dry dish ? or a curry or pasta what not all in a mess...
this is when the crazy lazy mind aha...this is how you could cook even a nice vegetable bad and spoil it's taste....ha ha..may be the hostel cooks as well were under some strong thoughts or confused state while cooking but had to move on with their routine and carry out the regular jobs irrespective of the good, bad irritating or frustrating thoughts they had....
good feelings good food....sad feelings irritating thoughts bad cooking, crazy ideas to fix them up and ultimately bad food :)...
lesson learnt don't ever dare to cook when you are down and try to keep up your routine is ok at times to let the routine break and eat out :D:D...
that's the first time ever crazy lazy mind could not even eat little food cooked by self...until that day it was all in praise for self :):)...what a day what a lesson :):)
ultimately i advised my husband to dump the food i cooked, in case he also found it horrible...
yes and my husband did grab some food from his friend's box for dinner :(.......
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Just Married...............
Just a while ago while waiting outside a exam centre for my husband to return from his exam, a thought flashed this crazy lazy mind to share about how it feels to be “Just Married”.....Being married for 2 months now, I think at times....should I or do I really feel “Just Married”....
What’s this “Just Married” feeling...why am I sitting and writing about is beautiful...what sort of feeling is it...Crazy mind felt it’s magical...why???
There have been times when I have wondered about the behaviors or the just married couples....felt it was filmy or even kind of weird... As it is true that you have to me in a customer’s shoe to understand the issue is the case with this magical feeling...You have to be just married to enjoy the feelings of being “Just married”...
Now I am not sure how long is this period of “Just” married is valid.....but from the experience so far....I could say for certain that....As long as there is a beautiful romantic life flowing between you and your spouse, I think this period..”just” would flow forever...
Crazy lazy mind has felt shy many times while experiencing such feelings..however they have been so magical and beautiful that has made me come forward and share the experience........
What’s this “just married” feeling? May be this is what my friends used to describe to me as a “Spark” that flashes in a lover’s mind when he or she sees or even thinks about his or her life partner.....mine being arranged marriage I wondered many times...if this so called would get ignited just like that just after your marriage.....
and what now after marriage.....yesssssss..tha crazy lazy minds accepts the sparkology and whole heartedly describes self as a “Magical feeling that ignites your mind suddenly making your heart beat faster whenever you think or see or just when your life partner is beside you”....
why it is sudden and beautiful that one get to experience just after marriage....So here are some of crazy lazy mind’s “Just Married” feelings.......
First and formost...whenever your spouse is beside either talking to somebody or traveling with you....or even standing at a distance closer to you and doing something....your eyes crave to catch a full sight of your spouse or grab his/her attention towards much ever you try to control ..the eyes would still flow into the direction where your spouse is ...and for sure with increased heart rate.....
Next when your spouse is out for work during the time of matter what you are doing....or engaged it watching even your favorite start on TV or talking to mom/very close pal over phone...your legs automatically tens to get pulled towards balcony and start waiting for his arrival......this was very filmy for crazy lazy mind before wedding but now after getting the mrs crown and experiencing such feelings in real it’s just getting crazier and crazier.......Just one minute beyond the expected time of arrival if your eyes fail to catch sight of his’s time for the hands and fingers to swiftly pick up the phone and dial in the number to see where he is....
If you observe even deeper...during this whole waiting are already waiting 10 mins before the expected time of arrival and meanwhile the way your eyes bounce back and forth between the road and the clock...and the way your mind gets irritated to hear any ring at your landline.....the whole feeling is simply awesome....lucky me to experience it and at the same time sorry to all my well wishers whose calls at times have driven me crazy...when they arrive just right at the time I used to wait for my husband to return home ;-)....
Next coming to the most important caring for each other.......uffff,,,,crazy mind wanted to cook real good food every day with varieties......does not matter you know cooking already or not....The “Just Married” feeling will automatically help you master the culinary art in no time.....
Now in case of Crazy lazy mind I was even luckier to have a friend by name joy ...who always spreads joy around everybody and me...and this time the joy came in disguise of a “Cookbook” ....What a wedding gift!!...thank you joy!! for it not only helped me in cooking some of my husband’s favorite recipes, also eased and increased the joy of cooking it me....
Firstly the “Just married” feeling itself is a great source of energy booster and secondly the small small compliments or the appreciations (for the food you cook) that you receive from your spouse just after you are married keeps you highly charged and motivated to cook more and more good food for your love....
not to be surprised...the “Just married” feeling does not spare your spouse with just small compliments or appreciations.....instead surprises you with special gifts from your spouse in return......
Crazy lazy mind went crazier stacking up it’s favorite chocolates everyday as return gifts........
Not to leave your stomach and taste buds....crazy lazy mind has some words of praise of them as well...who really show good patience “just after you are married” to wait calmly until your spouse returns from work and then get a taste of the food.....
It is magical for each one of us to not to feel hungry or even forget about hunger and wait no matter how long for you spouse to return from any work, join and then dine together....
"Just married? feeling also teaches each one some amount of discipline.....Although I was never trained under any hotel management programs, every time I server food to my husband crazy lazy mind used to try and arrange the dishes prior in a neat manner at the dining table well before time and try to make a good presentation........
As well you are very keen in keeping the ambience at home very clean and attractive just after your wedding life has started and thereafter wait for compliments from your spouse.
Moving on, before wedding crazy lazy mind used to complain about talking longer hours over the phone and also wonder what’s there to really talk to each other every day...but a “Just married” couple....craves to hear/update her husband every one hour over phone...isn’t this magical?????
Feeling little shy to express the next one but however can’t afford to miss the most significant “just married” couple feeling....Wherever you go wither by walk or travel in a a “Just married” couple you would always wish to hold hands or lean on each other’s shoulder..that’s so beautiful and brings a truly bonded feeling amidst the so...even when I lean on my husband’s shoulder during any travel the feeling that I get when he pats on my head simply makes crazy lazy mind jump even crazier.......
Lastly....for the “feminine attitude”....being “just married” feeling demands you to look or ask for compliments every time you dress up and also after your spouse tastes any food cooked by it just a cup of coffee or even when you dress up to go out for a casual walk....see how crazily this “Just married” feeling could make one behave.......
Crazy lazy mind is really surprised for it is in the middle of such vibrant experience rendered by the “just married” shockwave........
What a feeling...feeli it and live each moment sharing loads and loads of happiness with each other....
Hope this crazy lazy mind has not bored you with such a long post...and most would agree to what I have experienced and shared so far.....if not at least I believe this serves as a very good reference for all the “just married” man as in give a hand in understanding what kind of “just married” feelings their spouse could experience and most importantly what they really would expect out of this “Just married” syndrome!!
Sure married life is a beautiful phase in each ones life!!
Wishing each one stumbling on this post a great and happy married life!!
Signing off for now............
Mrs.Akshatha Kamath (Just 2 months old ;-))
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Starting over again
2) Create New Flows: It's important to create new inflows and outflows, says Milind Sarwate, group CFO & CHRO, Marico. Inflows are capabilities that could be leveraged by the organisation. Outflows are roles that should no longer be played.
3) Learn to Unlearn: "Many times, the changing environment makes our old strengths irrelevant. However, we keep playing to them. This drains energy, while not creating value for the individual or the organisation," says Sarwate.
4) Analyse Competition: It's important to know what others are doing right. And judge where you may be going wrong. "There was a time when my career was completely stagnant. I studied the performers, played to my strengths, did things differently. It took time but I was back in the game," says banking executive S Lahiri.
5) Get a Mentor: Identify someone experienced and reliable outside the organisation who you can trust. "It should be someone who can help you focus, discipline you and show you the way," says Puri of Executive Access.
In the news paper there was a very good example cited under the section of learn to unlearn....that caught this lazy mind's attention and that is...
"Learn to re-invent yourself". For instance in the entertainment sector, the actors are continuously reinventing themselves and their character...
I would say that's a beautiful did inspire me and made me think a lot...true that we are fan of lot many celebrities in the entertainment sector, but rarely we thought about the efforts behind such fantastic performances...
Very true that they re-invent themselves everytime with new character..and there goes behind lot of time and energy to learn unlearn and re-invent....
therefore have patience, learn, unlearn and enjoy re-inventing various characters hidden within self....
keep rocking never get lazy and stay behind!!