Saturday started so funny..... 6.30 a.m the Alarm rings and then my Friend gets up from the bed shouting..oh's 7...Akshatha get up it's 7..we are late to office....
Suddenly I wake up at a flash of my friends scream out of shock...and then I tell her ...hello it's Saturday n we don't have office...she realizes and then goes went back to her sleep......... but poor me...lost my sleep............just lazing around in the bed I tried to watch TV..and some how pushed myself to sleep again........ 8.45 a.m....My cell started ringing....... :(( ... My mom.hello dear...n I do not know I just started can u call me saturday b4 9...and she says it's just 10 mins.n I was sooooooooo....however..i had to get up......n then prepared a nice breakfast...cleaned the house....parallely prepared lunch...... then went out to get some i had invited my colleagues for lunch....... SO now I will stop boring and step into my experience with cooking...and some tips that i can share to make cooking enjoyable........
- Firstly make up the menu that you want to cook....
- I often hear people getting frightened if they have some guests coming how for lunch or dinner etc.......Even my parents really wonder how I happily kkep inviting my friends and cousins for get togethers at home.... There is nothing big there....By the increase in number of people...only the quantities increas..but the method remains the same..and will be little more work than that required for few members...but to enjoy cooking you should snip this fear from mind..... Just be enthusiatic to show your magic with your hands...
- Check if you have all the necessary ingredients with you before hand rather then rushing at the last moment...
- Always set a target to finish cooking 2 hrs before the arrival time of the guests
- Buy all the necessary vegetables....wash them before hand...chop the time consuming ones before and keep them in the refrigerator
- Make use of your Gas stove flames in a smarter way...... Just keep in mind that..once you switch on your flame your are going to put it off only when you finish cooking........ things serially.if something is there on the stove...just keep the next one ready that when one gets out of the stove..the other fits in...This saves Gas as well as time
- Most importants thing.......When something is getting cooked on the stove...Instead of chatting with someone or watching TV..just try to wash the utensils..left until that time....... In this way you would have washed all the utensils that you would have used for cooking....your kitchen would look clean(You would not require to spend additional time in cleaning the kitchen after having a nice chat and tasting the delicious food along with your guests)
- An then..parallely you could play some music..and try to match the rythm of the music with your pace and style of cookin food...try it will really enjoy... I feel as if I am dancing for the property round :)
- Once you finish with each item in the menu...arrange them nicely on the dining table....
- Always be conscious that the guests should like your food...In this we could avoid small avoid putting excess salt or excess chilly powder or missing some tiny ingredient but missing that coul dreally make a difference....
- Have time consciouness while you cook....Try out the above tips..I am sure you will be surpised that you have prepared a delicious meal single handed on time.....and ready to party with your guests...
- Finally cultivate interest to try out new's really interesting....
I got up by 7 today.had all things in place for my lunch for my guests......Finished cooking everything as planned..........had a nice lunch with them...went out had since I don't have any work...I am here happily sharing the cooking experience......
Cooking is not a big task if everything including the receipe, interest, ingredients and plan is in place..... Cooking is also an art.......and it really gives a good refreshment to the mind...
The important ingredient for any dish would be INTEREST...Have interest...cultivate healthy eating habits.... prepare the food with the attitude as if you are the top shef in the world..and then enjoy the amazing food...
I should really thank my brother....wihtout whom I would not have got much interest in cooking......... and today I have made a progress that I am able to share some tips on cooking......
Food is very important to keep your body healthy..... So THINK HEALTHY!COOK HEALTHY AND EAT HEALTHY!
Ultimately what did you cook in the end ?!
Ani Maam
I cooked Vegetable Pulav, Ladies finger pakoda,Cauliflower bajo, Thendlae Thalasan, Salad, Plain rice, Sambar ;-)
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