Today Something different! Yeppeeee Shopping ;-( ! After reading my post u ll understand y I gave this smiley ;-(
I do not know how much of you like and how much of you hate it?
I don't like but like it at times when I make my friends by lot of things...I feel super cool...I take them to lot of shops and help them in buying good stuffs at reasonable rates..... But when it comes for me..I hate it...I don't have the patience to sit and select.
Today I did a very good shopping with my friend...If you think you can enjoy shopping also..It's a god time pass..... But Bangalore is so much filled with malls that within a month you get fed up window shoppping as the price is not so reasonable that you can really keep buying instead of just taking the fun of looking at it....
I have stolen few tactics from my mom when I used to go for shopping with her..... May be I can share them here to make your shopping a joyous one.... Here I go...
No tactics nothing... Just few healthy things to be kept in mind...
- Just be humble and talk sweetly and make a good rapport with the shop owner and shop attendees by being benevolent
- Bargain in such a way that you make the owner feel that you are even concerned about his profit and are ready to accept a reasonable price both for him and for you
- Take your pals frequently there if the quality is good...and remind the shop owners casually about your earlier visits.... and make them feel that you are getting good buisness for them....due to their quality and humility
- Try to wind up your shopping quickly...don't drag it tool long..they shud feel that...these ppl are precious..they come..pick up cool and move..
- Don't ask the attendees to show all things under the sun...Rather you tell them don remove evrything from the racks everything..Just show me the ones I point out...but do show me varieties and I will tell you my choice...Make them comfortable this that next time when u visit they really show you the good stuffs with great quality.....and also make them fell they enjoy attending you...
So these are the ways I follow and my Frenz feel wow! Akshatha is cool..great shopping with her....I also make them feel that if they shop with me I really make them save at least some money which they would not have..if gone alone or accompanied by other frenz....
Additionally please note that when you visit 2 3 shops..Don't buy all of a sudden..try to ask for the it with few other shop prices..and then buy...Tell the sho keepers that you wud come next week or some time you were just taking a look at the new arrivals now...
Although I do good shopping for my Frenz..I somehow hate and make my mom buy stuffs for me...but these days...I don go out just for shopping.....If I find something good..I pick it up....
It all depends on the way you speak....that makes your shopping enjoyable or miserable....
So Today I made by friend buy 2 beautiful Saree for her mom and 2 beautiful salwars for her..and myself 1...although I never planned too.... As usual my friend was amazed at the price and quality and my approach ;-)
The credit goes to my mom...I just used to take her on my vehicle for shopping and used to really wonder looking at the way the sho keepers respect my mom..and happily show her new stuffs....
Ok I think this is enough today! Have a good time Shopping!
Now u must have got to know about this....;-( ...when it is for me by myself ;-( and when for my frenz it is ;-) .....
I make them buy so much that at the end they feel OMG (oh my God..I have spent lots today)